Lifestyles Over 50


Our Purpose

Our purpose is to inspire, educate, and empower women over 50 to live their best lives. We believe that aging is a time to embrace new experiences, cultivate new relationships, and pursue your passions. Our community provides women like you with the resources and support you need to make the most exciting chapter in your life.

A Few Words About

Our Team

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Margie Last Name

Founder - CEO

I don’t think I’ve ever done an about me page, I’ve done a Bio or two, but that’s it. So when I began to think about it. I began to ramble off somethings like I’m loyal and a good friend, mother, employee, wife… Kinda corny hum. Jesus said who do you say that I am? So I decided to ask the people that know me…But before I get into that, did I tell  you that I love people. My Spiritual Mom says Margie knows no strangers. I talk to everybody, I want to invite you in and find out who you are. I want to help to the point lately I had an epiphany it has to do with growth and development. God was showing me that I don’t have to inject myself in every situation by way of help. Sometimes people need to figure it out. Ok back to the about me, I could say some things about my career in Workforce development. Some of my best jobs, where I had the most fun and could literally work for free. Again, I was helping people to find out where they belong in the work space. Helping people to search for real purposeful work, if that’s what they wanted to do. Some people, not all people are meant to work what we consider to be regular jobs. When I say regular that could mean, any job, Doctor, Lawyers, teachers, construction workers…. Maybe you should write a book or become a artist or singer, gymnast… I realized that I enjoy helping people find there purpose at eight or 98 you can begin again. Life Styles Over 50 is a place where you can explore, create or just be…it’s up to you, we just  want you to be fulfilled in whatever space you find yourself in. We are her to support and encourage to be the be you want to be.

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